There are many reasons why a patient may need to have one or multiple teeth extracted. The procedure is oftentimes There are also many different outcomes that can come following a tooth extraction. Here’s what to expect after your tooth is removed.

Some Temporary Discomfort As You Heal

How long it takes for the affected area to heal after a tooth extraction depends on your overall dental health, the type of teeth removed and number of teeth removed. Impacted wisdom teeth generally take longer to heal with healing usually being a bit more sore than regular teeth – lower wisdoms in particular.

After a week or so after removing wisdom teeth, you should start to feel much better and regain most, if not all, your normal mouth functions.

Your ability to speak and chew may be affected, especially if you are having multiple teeth, or your molars (back teeth) extracted. This will generally improve over time as you heal or receive tooth replacements.

Follow Up Appointments

Regardless of the reason for your tooth extraction, you are most likely going to have some kind of following up appointment with your dentist to monitor your healing. This could be to:

Do not do nothing. Do not ignore your dentist’s advice and stop coming in for check-ups.


Tooth Replacement Options

If you need to have one or multiple teeth extracted due to disease or decay, getting a dental restoration will either be necessary, or highly recommended. Some common tooth replacement treatments include the following:


Need A Reliable Dentist For Tooth Extractions in Tumut?

Tumut Dental is a family-friendly practice in Tumut that offers a comprehensive range of general dentistry treatments including extractions and restorative dentistry such as Same-Day Dental Crowns.

Lead by experienced general dentist Dr Khumo Tlhalerwa and a passionate team of dental professionals who care about your smile. We are committed to supporting the local community with high-quality dental care, patient-first dental technologies and education.

To discuss extractions or any of the above treatments in further, book a consultation at our Tumut dental clinic today,